Winter Education 2023

Winter Classes 2023

Welcome to 2023! We hope that TLT can help you and your kids discover and pursue a passion for theatre this year! Check out what’s on the menu for classes at TLT this season.

For kids, we are offering two after school classes and one homeschool class.

For teens, check out teen improv levels one and two and our dance basics for actors class.

for adults, try adult improv levels one and two and our dance basics for actors class.

After School Class:

The Pied Piper — a Musical!

Starts: February 6, 2023

Meets: Mondays and Wednesdays 4PM - 6PM in person at Tacoma Little Theatre

Performance: March 18, 2023 at 4:00 PM (actors called at 3:00)

Ages: 6-11

Tuition: $225

Instructors: Becky Cain and Erinne Kellogg

Description: Our after school classes create opportunities for students to learn and explore through the process of putting on a play! From going through an audition process to the final bow, we'll teach about all that goes into putting on a show, and mentor our young actors in their performance art skills. Both of our show options for this class are musicals, meaning there will be lots to learn about singing and dancing, as well as acting techniques.

After School Class: It’s a play!

Starts: February 7, 2023

Meets: Tuesdays and Thursdays 4PM - 6PM in person at Tacoma Little Theatre

Performance: March 18, 2023 at 2:00 PM (actors called at 1:00 PM)

Ages: 10-14

Tuition: $225

Instructors: To Be Announced

Description: Our after school classes create opportunities for students to learn and explore through the process of putting on a play! From going through an audition process to the final bow, we'll teach about all that goes into putting on a show, and mentor our young actors in their performance art skills. We have not yet decided on a show for this class, but will update this announcement and all registered participants as soon as we do!

Homeschool Class: It’s a play!

Starts: February 7, 2023

Meets: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1PM - 3PM in person at Tacoma Little Theatre

Performance: March 18, 2023 at 12:00 noon (actors called at 11 AM)

Ages: 6-14

Tuition: $225

Instructor: TBA

Description: Our classes create opportunities for students to learn and explore through the process of putting on a play! From going through an audition process to the final bow, we'll teach about all that goes into putting on a show, and mentor our young actors in their performance art skills. Both of our show options are musicals, meaning there will be plenty to learn about singing, dancing, and acting techniques! We'll make our final show choice based on enrollment.


Dance basics for actors

If you’re looking to build some new skills or brush up some old ones, you might enjoy this new class at TLT! Dance Basics for Actors focuses on helping you learn about the types of movement and basic dance skills you might need for theatrical and dance performance. Have a hard time keeping up during dance calls? Wish you knew a few more of the basic steps that pop up in most shows? This class is about giving you the tools and building blocks to be successful on stage, regardless of your dance background and experience.

This class meets for just over an hour every Tuesday night in our Stage Right space (between TLT’s main entrance and the 7-11). We’d love to have you join us!

Improv: for teens and adults

levels one and two available

Starts: February 8/9, 2023


Wednesdays: Teen level one from 4:30 to 6 and adult level one from 6:30 to 8 in person at the STAGE RIGHT building next to Tacoma Little Theatre.

Thursdays: Teen level two class from 4:30-6:00 PM and adult level two from 6:30 to 8 in person at the STAGE RIGHT building next to Tacoma Little Theatre.

Performance: TBA. Last class date March 15/16

Ages: 12-17, OR 18+

Tuition: $200

Instructors: Bjorn Sorenson & Salvatore Frattallone


Yes! We have an improv class for teens, AND we have one for adults as well! If you have fooled around with improv before, you’ll learn ways to improve your game. If not, you’ll gain some great experience in the art of made up theatre. Whatever your performance experience, this class is available to everyone! The skills you can build in a class like this one go a long way to building confidence in yourself as a performer and public speaker.

Now we are offering a level two course! This is intended for those who have taken improv classes in the past, or who have a strong background in the basics. Need help deciding which class is right for you? send us an email at We’re happy to help!